Did You Know These Tricks To A Healthy Cannabis Growth?
Cannabis plants like the Sunset Sherbet strain thrive when they’re in the right environment and getting fed nutritious food. Proper cultivation can lead to both bigger and better-looking plants, and in this post, we’ll outline ten easy tips that will help you get started.
#1: Plant cannabis clones or seedlings
Leaves grow from nodes on a stem, so if you want to maximize your leaf area, you should try to space nodes apart evenly. For starters, we recommend planting clones or seedlings.
Clones are vegetative cuttings that root easily, so they’re a great choice if you’re trying to grow a lot of plants in a small amount of space. We recommend using seedlings instead if you have the option because they’ve been grown from seed and can be more forgiving if they don’t root as well – even when they appear to be healthy.
#2: Give cannabis enough light
One of the most important things you can do is to provide your plants with enough light. Don’t try to get away with growing cannabis plants under fluorescents or cheap compact fluorescents; invest in T5 fluorescents and metal halide bulbs instead.
Metal Halide (MH) lights do a better job of producing the blue and green shades of light that cannabis plants like Sunset Sherbet strain need to photosynthesize than ordinary fluorescents.
#3: Use soil, not hydro
Cannabis plants grow best in soil, not hydroponics. We recommend investing in a good quality loose potting mix; we use Fox Farms Ocean Forest Soil because it provides good drainage and plenty of nutrients for your plants.
#4: Cut plants back once they reach 6 inches tall
When your cannabis plants grow a couple of inches big, you’ll want to check them every few weeks to make sure they’re growing well and receiving enough nutrients. If your plants are starting to flower, give them several weeks before you stop fertilizing and handling them.
Stay tuned to our blog to know more about such growing insights and tips.
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